Sunday, July 17, 2011

If They Gave Out Gold Medals in the Olympics for Sucking Dicks

Bill Stull would have won two gold medals

Did you see my interview today? What a human interest piece by me, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Rostraver Elks Club got enough donations to build 40 picnic tables.

Last week Me and Jeff Karstans decided to initiated Alex Presley,

we cut two holes in the pirate parrot costume

and dropped him off at the furry convention.

he put on a doggie style catching clinic all night

After that we got hungry and call Bobby P for some pizza

next week I interview Emma Watson, what a fox.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Mastery is Often Taken for Egotism

Last week Root Sports denied my request for an extended vacation. If I have to spend another minute sitting next to this fossil:

I will FREAK on Teke. Adam Curry knows what I am talking about here. He felt the heat back in 87 and left crying to his mommy.

I just want to get one more thing off my chest. Sid the Kid: Talk to me when you can grow a beard like a real man.

Next week I interview Casey Anthony on top of the UPMC building, like a boss.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Potash on the bEat

Max Talbot called me up to get some pizza at Big Jims in Hazelwood. I told him I would love to come, then never showed up. What a joke, who eats in Hazelwood. I was to busy that night giving the superstar treatment to his girlfriend.

I dont have any mirrors in my house, I just have a life size poster of han solo on my wall.

Potash out.